Family Links
Eystein Ivarsson Glumra JARL AV OPPLAND OG HEDMARK
- Born: 800, Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway
- Marriage: Unknown
- Died: 872, Møre og Romsdal, Norge aged 72
General Notes:
Eystein Ivarsson 'the Noisy' Glumra, Jarl av Oppland og Hedmark
Øystein må ha levd omkring ca. 830. Hans far skal ha vært Ivar Opplendingajarl, sønn til Halvdan (Håkon) Gamle og sønnesønn til Gor.
Navnet er Eystein (Old Norse, norrønt) eller Øystein (moderne norsk) -------------------------------
From the English Wikipedia page on Eystein Ivarsson:
Eystein Glumra also called Eystein Ivarsson (dead ca 830 in Norway) was Jarl (Earl) of Oplande and Hedmark in Norway, the son of Ivar Halfdan and the father of Ragnvald Eysteinsson. He was married to Åsa Ragnvaldsdatter, the daughter of Ragnvald Olafsson, king of Vestfold. [1]
1.^ Eystein Ivarsson Jarl of Hedemarken (Web Family Cards, produced by University of California mathematical biology professor Mark H. Holmes, mostly notes with references to the Heimskringla and Orkneyinga sagas, no other source material) -----------------------------------------
From the Foundation for Medieval Genealogy page on Norwegian Nobility:
[EYSTEIN “Glumra/Clatterer” .
Orkneyinga Saga names “Earl Ivar of the Uplands, father of Eystein the Clatterer…”[128]. Jarl of the Uplanders in Norway [in Kristian? and Hedemarken, the area around Oslo].
i) [RAGNVALD "the Wise" (-[894]).
Orkneyinga Saga names “Eystein the Clatterer, father of the wise counsellor Earl Rognwald the Powerful…”[129]. Snorre names Ragnvald Earl of More, a son of Eystein "Glumra" when recording that he had become a supporter of King Harald who had invested him with the districts of North More and Raumsdal[130]. Jarl of North and South Möre and of Raumsdal in Norway.]
ii) [SIGURD "Riki/the Mighty" (-[892], bur Sydero, Dornoch Firth).
Orkneyinga Saga records that Ragnvald gave “all the islands” (indicating Shetland and Orkney from the context) to “his brother Sigurd, the forecastleman on King Harald´s ship” and that Harald I "Hårfagre" King of Norway gave “the title of earl” to Sigurd who remained in the islands after the king returned to Norway[131]. Orkneyinga Saga records that Sigurd “joined forces with Thorstein the Red, the son of Olaf the White and Aud the Deep-Minded” and together conquered “the whole of Caithness and a large part of Argyll, Moray and Ross”, Sigurd building “a stronghold…in the south of Moray”[132]. Orkneyinga Saga records that Sigurd defeated and beheaded “Mælbrigte Earl of the Scots” but that he died from an infected wound because a tooth in Mælbrigte´s head, strapped to Sigurd´s saddle, scratched his leg, and was buried “in a mound on the bank of the River Oykel”[133]. The Complete Peerage identifies the place as “Sydero on the Dornoch Firth at the estuary of the Ekkialsbakki[134]. The Complete Peerage dates Sigurd´s appointment as Jarl to [875] and his death to [892][135], but there seems no basis for either date apart from internal consistency with its reconstruction of events in the lives of this family. Both dates should therefore be considered as extremely approximate, and as noted below the earlier date leads to difficult chonological difficulties with the reported career of Sigurd´s nephew Turf-Einar.] [One child:]
(a) [GUTHORM (-[893]).
Orkneyinga Saga records that Sigurd was succeeded by his son “Guthorm who ruled the earldom for a year but died childless”[136]. According to Snorre´s Harald Harfager´s Saga, Sigurd died “without children” but his Saga of Olaf Haraldson names Guthorm as son of Sigurd, recording that he succeeded his father as earl for one year[137].]
iii) [MALAHULC .
Orderic Vitalis (who wrote in [1113]) names Malahulc as an uncle of Rollo and ancestor of the Tosny family[138]. He is not mentioned in the Sagas.] See TOSNY. ---------------------------
I henhold til Orknøyingenes saga går Ragnvalds Mørejarls ætt langt tilbake: . Den samme sagaen strekker hans ætt tilbake til en mytologisk opprinnelse til skikkelse ved navn Fornjot fra Finland eller Kvenland. ----------------------------
Fra Snorre Sturlasson: Olav den helliges saga: <96. Det er fortalt at Orknøyene ble bygd i de dager da Harald Hårfagre var konge i Norge; før hadde det vært vikingbøle der. Den første jarlen på Orknøyene het Sigurd; han var sønn til Øystein Glumra, og bror til Ragnvald Mørejarl. ...> 1)
1). Snorre Sturlasson: Harald Hårfagres saga, avsnitt 10. Snorre Sturlasson: Olav den helliges saga, avsnitt 96. Mogens Bugge: Våre forfedre, nr. 279. Bent og Vidar Billing Hansen: Rosensverdslektens forfedre, side 76 --------------------
[Kommentarer: Død 846? "Maer i Nord-Trøndelag" is nonsense - where?] -------------------------
Note added by Mike King: Eystein's existence is doubtful. Even if he was real, it would be just about chronologically impossible for his wife to be a daughter of the father usually given for her; Ragnvald Olafsson. ---------------------=-
Eystein is mentioned in several sources, but the so-called "Ascrida" (no Norwegian/Norse name, would have to be Astridr or Ása) is not mentioned in the sagas.
Snorre describes Eystein Glumra as Ragnvald jarls father in Harald Fairhairs saga: --------------------
From Darryl Lundy's Peerage page on Eystein (Forrás):
Eystein 'the Noisy' Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders (1) M, #104779, b. 788 Last Edited=17 Apr 2005
Eystein 'the Noisy' Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders was born in 788. (1)
Eystein 'the Noisy' Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders gained the title of Jarl of the Uplanders. (1)
Child of Eystein 'the Noisy' Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders and Ascrida Ragnvaldsdottir -1. Ragnvald I 'the Wise' Eysteinsson, Earl of More+ (1) --------------------
Eystein Glumra also called Eystein Ivarsson (dead ca 830 in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway) was Jarl (Earl) of Oplande and Hedmark in Norway, the son of Ivar Halfdan and the father of Ragnvald Eysteinsson. He was married to Åsa Ragnvaldsdatter. -------------------=-
2298479410. Earl Øystein 2 Glumra of OPPLAND was born about 800 in Nord-Trøndelag.Norway.. He died about 846 in Nord-Trøndelag.Norway. Øystein married Ascrida Ragnvaldsdatter av OPPLAND. Øystein was employed as Earl of Throndheim & Møre.
2298479411. Ascrida Ragnvaldsdatter av OPPLAND was born in 804 in Trøndelag.Norway.. --------------------
Eystein Glumra Ivarsson Jarl of Hedemarken (810-) [Pedigree]
Son of Ivar Oplaendinge Jarl of Uplanders (830-) and _____ of_Throndheim
REF RFC. Jarl of Hedemarken of the Uplands Earl of More b. ABT 810, Maer, Nord-Trondelag, Norway b. 800-10
Married Aseda Rognvaldsdottir (812-)
1. Rognvald Eysteinsson "the Wise" Earl of More (830-) m(1) Rognhild (Hildir) Hrolfsdotter (848-892) 2. Malahule (-912) --------------------
Earl of Upland --------------------
Eystein Glumra, Jarl of the Upplands, b abt 803, of Norway. The identity of his wife is not known. Known children of Eystein Glumra were: 1. Ragnvald I, the Wise, Jarl of North and South More and of Ramsdal, b abt 832. 2. Swanhild b abt 846, of Norway. She md Harald I, "Fairhair, 1st King of Norway, abt 866, son of Halfdan, "the Black, King of Vestfold, and Ragnhild. --------------------
Jarl är i äldre tider troligen benämningen en fri man av god ätt. Olav 'den helige' hade bara en jarl med rang efter kungen, men över lendman. Användes som titel för hövdingar, när Norge bildades. Efter Magnus 'Lagaböte' blev en jarl likställd med hertig, men fick inte sitta i högsätet vid kungen. Jarlnamnet gavs till de, som stod kungahuset nära; äktfödda söner, bror och nära ingifta. Siste jarlen i Norge var ärkebiskop Jörund, död år 1309. Öystein Ivarsson 'Glumra', som sannolikt föddes på Opplande i Norge. Då var vikingatiden ett faktum och de nordiska piraterna redan omtalade i den närmaste omgivningen. Ragnvald, Öysteins son, blev jarl på Möre i mellersta Norge. Om dessa nordmän vet vi föga annat än att de har levat. Källa: Alf Henriksson --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
1) Directory of Royal Genealogical Data, Hull, England
Øystein jarl (Eysteinn jarl)
B.Brox: Please note: This is NOT Eystein/Øystein Ivarsson "Glumra" or Eystein Haraldsson. To many mix these three persons
Øystein Jarl gikk i Harald Hårfagres tjeneste og ble hans jarl først på Opplandene (Hedemarken) og senere, da Haralds morbror Guttorm døde, også i Viken. Øystein var som flere menn på Opplandene en stor viking, noe også hans tilnavn forteller. --------------------
Born: abt 800 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway Died: abt 846 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway
Marriage: abt 846 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway
Children Sex Birth 1. Rognvald Eysteinsson M abt 830 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway Rognvald I Eysteinsson M abt 830 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway 2. Sigurd I Eysteinsson M abt 832 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway Sigurd Eysteinsson F abt 832 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway 3. Svanhilda Eysteinsdottir F abt 838 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway 4. Malahule Eysteinsson M abt 845 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway 5. Svanhild Eysteinsdatter F abt 850 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway 6. Sigurd I Eysteinsson M abt 856 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway 7. Turstan De Bastenburg M 865 in Normandy, [department], [region], France 8. Ragnvald I Eysteinsson M abt 872 in Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway --------------------
Äktenskap : Okänd
Allmänna hänvisningar:
Øystein Jarl " den rike " gikk i Harald Hårfagres tjeneste og ble Hans jarl Forst in Opplandene ( Hedemarken ) og senere , da Haralds Dode morbror Guttorm, også i Viken.
Øystein var SOM flere menn in Opplandene en Stor viking, noe også Hans tilnavn " Sjøfarer " forteller .
Noterade händelser i hans liv var:
• Han var en Earl i Norge.
Øystein gift. --------------------
Eysteinn Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders1,2,3 b. circa 800
Eysteinn Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders|b. c 800|p6.htm#i8264|Ivarr Oplaendinge, Jarl of the Uplanders|b. c 760\nd. a 800|p305.htm#i8265|N. N. of Throndheim|b. c 780|p67.htm#i8831|Halfdan t. O. of Norway|b. c 730?|p214.htm#i24130||||||||||
Father: Ivarr Oplaendinge, Jarl of the Uplanders b. circa 760, d. after 800
Mother: N. N. of Throndheim b. circa 780
Also called Eysteinn Glumra of Norway. Eysteinn Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders was born circa 800. He was the son of Ivarr Oplaendinge, Jarl of the Uplanders and N. N. of Throndheim. Eysteinn Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders married Aseda Rögnvaldsdóttir, daughter of Rögnvaldr Heidum Hæri Óláfsson, King of Vestfold and Thóra Sigurdsdóttir, before 830; 3rd cousins. Jarl of the Uplanders at Norway.3 Earl.4 Eysteinn Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders was living in 830.5
Aseda Rögnvaldsdóttir
1. Malahue of Norway+ 6 2. Orknøyjarl Sigurdr Eysteinsson+ d. 8927 3. Rögnvaldr Eysteinsson, Mørejarl+ b. c 830, d. 8947,3 4. Svanhild Eysteinsdóttir of Norway+ b. c 8604
1. [S204] Roderick W. Stuart, RfC, 44-39. 2. [S206] With additions and corrections by Walter Lee Sheppard, Jr. and assisted by David Faris Frederick Lewis Weis, Weis: AR 7th ed., 121E-16. 3. [S215] Revised by others later George Edward Cokayne CP, X:App.A:3. 4. [S449] Circa 1225 A.D. Snorri Sturluson, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway. 5. [S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Ivar Halfdansson, 80. 6. [S278] DfAdam, online unknown url, The Line of Malahue of Möre, 81. 7. [S449] Circa 1225 A.D. Snorri Sturluson, Chronicle of the Kings of Norway, Harald Harfager's Saga. --------------------
Jarl of More 860 AD
Source: Adrienne Anderson chart of Scandinavian Norman Descent of Hamblins --------------------
Eystein Glumra, b. ca. 830, was Earl of the Upplands.
According to both the Heimskringla Saga and the Orkneyinga Saga, Eystein Glumra was the father of Rognvald. The Orkneyinga Saga says Eystein Glumra's earliest forebear was Fornjot, King of Finland and Kvenland. Fornjot's great-great-grandson was Thorri, or Fhorri, who had two sons, Norr and Gorr, who emigrated westward. Norr took the mainland called Norway and Gorr took the islands. Gorr's son Heiti was the father of Sveithi (Sveide), the Sea King, who died about 760. Sveithi's son, Halfdan the Old, who died in 800, was the father of Ivar, Earl of the Uplands. And Ivar, in turn, was the father of Eystein Glumra. RC 44 calls this man Eistein Ivarsson, son of Ivar, who was son of Halfdan the Old. So it follows the Sagas for three generations. There was no written language during this period, and the Norse sagas provided oral histories, much like those Alex Haley, author of "Roots," found in Africa.
References: [GENSERV],[RFC],[MRL],[PlantagenetA] --------------------
Eystein Glumra also called Eystein Ivarsson (dead ca 830 in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway) was Jarl (Earl) of Oplande and Hedmark in Norway, the son of Ivar Halfdan and the father of Ragnvald Eysteinsson. He was married to Åsa Ragnvaldsdatter. --------------------
Eystein "Glumra" Ivarsson Jarl of More born about 0800 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway
Ivar Halfdansson Earl of Uplands
born after 0770 Oppland, Norway
Eysteinsdatter daughter of Glumra
born about 0785 Trondheim, Sor-Trondelag, Norway married about 0824 Oppland, Norway
Ascrida (Aseda) Rognvaldsdatter Countess of Oppland
born about 0804 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway married about 0846 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway
Rognvald Eysteinsson Jarl of More
born about 0830? Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway died 0890/94 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland
Svanhild Eysteinsdatter born about 0850 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway Malahule (Haldrick) (Malahulc) (Tresney) Eysteinsson born about 0845 Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway
Sigurd I "the Mighty" Eysteinsson born about 0832? Maer, Nord Trondelag, Norway died 0874 Orkney, Orkney Islands, Scotland buried Ekkialsbakki, Sydero, Dornoch Firth -------------------- He was the younger of the two children. -------------------- 'Glumra' ('the Noisy'). Jarl of Hedemarken of the Uplands. Also, of Oppland. -------------------- Earl of the Uplands in Russia -------------------- Lawson, P. H., Fellow of the Society of Antiquarians; "The Duttons of Dutton, county Chester," Chart, Cheshire County, England. Sources cited by Lawson: Ormerod's "Cheshire," 2nd Ed.; J.P. Yeatman, Ho. of Arundel, 1882, in Lt. Col. W.H. Turtor's Plantagenet Ancestry; J. H. Tyrrell's History of the Tyrell's; Latrie's Tresor de Chronologie; Harl., Wills, Visitations of Cheshire, 1580, 1613; Randle Holme pedigrees in Harl MSS; Wills; Marriage Lics; Freeman Rolls; and parish registers from Frodsham, Waverton and Thornton; and private information.
The Plantagenet Ancestry, by William Henry Turton, 1968 page 107 -------------------- Glumra Ivarsson Earl Of Hedmark 1 2 Birth: About 810 in , Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway 3 4 Death: Sex: M Father: Oplaendinge Halfdansson Earl Of The Uplands b. After 788 in (, Holtum, Vestfold, Norway) Mother: Unknown Eysteinsdatter b. About 785 in (, Trondheim, Sør-Trøndelag, Norway)
Unknown: , Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway 5 1 2 4 Unknown: , , Hedmark, Norway 5 1 2 4 Changed: 20 Mar 2001 00:00
Spouses & Children
Ascride Rognvaldsdatter Countess Of Oppland (Wife) b. About 812 in (, Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway)
6 1 2 3 4 Marriage: Abt 831 in (, Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway) 6 Nov 2004 14:29 Children: Sigurd I "The Mighty" Eysteinsson Earl Of Maer b. About 832 in (, Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway) Tresney Eysteinsson Earl Of More b. About 845 in , Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway Rognvald I Eysteinsson Earl Of More b. About 837 in , Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway Svanhild Eysteinsdatter b. About 850 in , Maer, Nord-Trøndelag, Norway
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Name Suffix: Earl of Hedmark REFN: HWS4285 Ancestral File Number:FBFD-GJ OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\C_Comte.gif OBJE: C:\LEGACY\PICTURES\C_Comte.gifCHAN20 Mar 2001
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
, ca.1600-1965"Title: "Bennett family pedigree chart and other genealogical data
, ca.1600-1965"Author: Bennett, Archibald Fowler, 1896-1965 Publication: 12 Feb 2001 Text: NOTES: Microfilm made of typescript collection (5 leaves) f rom unknown donor.Includes Fowler, Kinsman, Milner, Neat, Zufelt and related families.Certificate of ordination to a Seventy for Archibald F. Bennett, and Bennett family pedigreeportrait chart ( lbert F. Schmuhl, "Title: "Royal Lines & Adamic Genealogy: Genealogical Research of A lbert F. Schmuhl, "Author: Schmuhl, Albert F. Publication: e-mail documentation, March 1997, Albert F. Schmuhl, Americ a Online Posting: Genealogy Forum Title: "FamilySearch® Ancestral Fileâ„¢ v4.19" Author: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Publication: 3 Feb 2001
Title: "Genealogical Research of Kirk Larson" Author: Larson, Kirk Publication: Personal Research Works including Bethune & Hohenlohe Desce ndants, 1981-2001, Kirk Larson, Private Library Title: "Héraldique européenne" Author: Arnaud Bunel Publication: Coats of Arms for European Royalty and Nobility (http://www, Arnaud Bunel, 1998) , Internet"Armigerous" (ahr-MIJ-ehr-us) adjective
Bearing or entitled to bear heraldicarms.
The reason the notion of a family crest was brought into th e languagewas that those who were armigerous (entitled to bear arms) used to put their crest or achieveme Title: "The Utah genealogical and historical magazine" Author: Rice, Gareth (Main) Genealogical Society of Utah. (Added) Publication: 13 Feb 2001 Text: FREQUENCY: Quarterly DESCRIPTION: 31 v. : ill., ports. ; 2 5 cm. NOTES: Title from cover. SUBJECTS: Genealogy--Periodicals.Utah--Genealogy--Periodicals.Utah--History--Periodicals. PUB STATUS: Dead
-------------------- Jarl over Heidemark på Austlandet, seinare jarl over Møre og Orknøyane. -------------------- Title: Ancestral Roots of Certain American Colonists, 7th Edition, by Frederick Lewis Weis, additions by Walter Lee Shippard Jr., 1999
Note: Page: 121e-26
Lawson, P. H., Fellow of the Society of Antiquarians; "The Duttons of Dutton, county Chester," Chart, Cheshire County, England. Sources cited by Lawson: Ormerod's "Cheshire," 2nd Ed.; J.P. Yeatman, Ho. of Arundel, 1882, in Lt. Col. W.H. Turtor's Plantagenet Ancestry; J. H. Tyrrell's History of the Tyrell's; Latrie's Tresor de Chronologie; Harl., Wills, Visitations of Cheshire, 1580, 1613; Randle Holme pedigrees in Harl MSS; Wills; Marriage Lics; Freeman Rolls; and parish registers from Frodsham, Waverton and Thornton; and private information.
-------------------- Jarl de Moere -------------------- Eysteinn Glumra married Aseda Rögnvaldsdóttir, daughter of Rögnvaldr Heidum Hæri Óláfsson, King of Vestfold and Thóra Sigurdsdóttir, before 830; they were third cousins.
Eysteinn Glumra, Jarl of the Uplanders, was living in 830.
See "My Lines"
( )
from Compiler: R. B. Stewart, Evans, GA
( ) -------------------- Name: Eystein Glumra "the Noisy" IVARSSON
Suffix: Jarl
Title: Jarl
Sex: M
Birth: 800/810
Death: Aft 870
Sources: A. Roots 121E, 143A; RC 44, 166; Kraentzler 1453, 1593, 1609, 1645;
AF; The Dukes of Normandy and Their Origins; Pfafman; History of the Vikings;
RC:Eistein Ivarsson, Jarl of Hedemarken (of the Uplands), ca 830.
Roots: Eystein Glumra, Jarl of the Upplands, ca. 830, said to have fathered
two known children: Swanhild and Ragnvald I.
K. calls him Eystein Ivarsson, aka Euslin "Ghimrice/Ghemvice" of Schleswig.
K: Eystein "Glumra" Ivarsson, Count of Maere (More). Jarl of the Uplanders
in Norway.
Russell: Eisten Glumru of Vors, A.D. 870. Names Rogvald as a son, but not
son Malahue and daughter Swanhild. Names instead Sigurd, Jarl of the Orkneys,
andd Huldrich, ancestor of Raoul de Toeny.
Eystein Glumra was the Earl of Moera (various spellings for this) in Norway
and Jarl of Orkney and Shetland.
According to both the Heimskringla Saga and the Orkneyinga Saga, Eystein
Glumra was the father of Rognvald. The Orkneyinga Saga says Eystein Glumra's
earliest forebear was Fornjot, King of Finland and Kvenland. Fornjot's
great-great-grandson was Thorri, or Fhorri, who had two sons, Norr and Gorr,
who emigrated westward. Norr took the mainland called Norway and Gorr took the
islands. Gorr's son Heiti was the father of Sveithi (Sveide), the Sea King,
who died about 760. Sveithi's son, Halfdan the Old, who died in 800, was the
father of Ivar, Earl of the Uplands. And Ivar, in turn, was the father of
Eystein Glumra.
RC 44 calls this man Eistein Ivarsson, son of Ivar, who was son of Halfdan
the Old. So it follows the Sagas for three generations.
There was no written language during this period, and the Norse sagas
provided oral histories, much like those Alex Haley, author of "Roots,"
found in Africa. -------------------- Eystein Glumra (the Clatterer), also called Eystein Ivarsson (born ca 830 in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway) was Jarl (Earl) of Oppland and Hedmark in Norway.
According to both the Heimskringla Saga and the Orkneyinga Saga, Eystein Glumra was the son of legendary king Ivar Halfdan and the father of Ragnvald Eysteinsson. He was married to Åsa Ragnvaldsdatter, the daughter of Ragnvald Olafsson, king of Vestfold. [1] -------------------- Eystein Ivarsson was also known as Eystein Glumra and Eystein, the Noisy. He was was Earl (Jarl) of Oppland and Hedmark in Norway. More here: -------------------- Notes for EYSTEIN "THE NOISY" GLUMRA:
Eystein Glumra Ivarsson Jarl of Hedemarken
-------------------- Also the Jarl of Maer. AKA Glumra Eystein Ivarsson. -------------------- Bodde i Maer, Nord-Trondelag. Gifte sig med Ascrida när han bodde på samma ställe.
1. RAGNVALD "the Wise", son of EYSTEIN "Glumra/Clatterer" Jarl in Norway & his wife ---] (-[894]). Orkneyinga Saga names “Eystein the Clatterer, father of the wise counsellor Earl Rognwald the Powerful…”, adding that “Earl Rognwald campaigned with King Harald Fine-Hair who gave him charge of North More, South More and Romsdale”[784]. Snorre names "Ragnvald Earl of More, a son of Eystein "Glumra" when recording that he had become a supporter of King Harald who had invested him with the districts of North More and Raumsdal[785]. Snorre records that he was created Jarl of North and South Möre and of Raumsdal in Norway by Harald I "Hårfagre" King of Norway after his victory at Solskiel [869] against Hunthiof King of Möre and Nokve King of Raumsdal[786]. Orkneyinga Saga and Snorre both record that King Harald granted Shetland and Orkney to Ragnvald in compensation for the death of his son Ivar[787]. The Historia Norwegie records that "principi Rogwaldi" crossed the Solund Sea, destroyed the peoples of the Orkney islands, in the days of "Haraldi Comati regis…Norwegie"[788]. Snorre records that Ragnvald was ambushed in his hall and burned alive by Halfdan Haaleg and Gudred Liomi, two of King Harald's sons[789]. (Cawley's Medlands)
-------------------- aka Eystein Ivarsson
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Eystein Glumra (the Clatterer), also called Eystein Ivarsson (dead ca 830 in Nord-Trøndelag, Norway) was Jarl (Earl) of Oppland and Hedmark in Norway, the son of Ivar Halfdan and the father of Ragnvald Eysteinsson. He was married to Åsa Ragnvaldsdatter.
Eystein married.